Going deeper with spontaneous drawing based on the psychology of carl jung

Going deeper with spontaneous drawing based on the psychology of carl jung
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Going deeper with spontaneous drawing based on the psychology of carl jung

Going deeper with spontaneous drawing Based on the psychology of Carl Jung Spontaneous Drawing is an approach for accessing the deeper levels in oneself or another, beyond the thinking mind. During this course one learns to access the natural symbol forming function of the psyche and to delve into the symbolic world of images where the transforming energies lie. It is based on an oft-forgotten aspect of Jung’s own research where he sought to allow spontaneity to be a guiding principle in uncovering the images emerging from the unconscious. As regards spontaneous drawings, one may well consider what Jung says; “Where the safeguards afforded by specific aims fall away, unlimited possibilities emerge” CW, Vol 8 pp 198 Let us allow these other possibilities to emerge and guide us into the realms of wisdom and imagery where hitherto unknown dimensions lie and where the ego may well discover an unexpected orientation emerging from the depths. All are welcome! No specific artistic talent is required. Material: colored pencils, or crayons and drawing paper. Beginning online; Monday March 18th at 6pm Zurich time, (9am PST), for 6 consecutive Mondays. Subscriptions and information: patelw@bluewin.ch

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